Monday, October 6, 2008


In this sound walk i found it was easier to listen when you were not walking, but in a stand still position. When walking it wasn't possible to make zero sound you were always making at least a little with your feet or, your shirt brushing on you, or the wind in your ear. when i plugged my ears i was just really focused on hearing my own sounds of my body such as my breathing, heartbeat, and swallowing, then when i did unplug them everything was was really loud and more vivid. The sounds i heard when we sat there and listened were:
  • Cars accelerating in front
  • Bus acellerating in front
  • Bus braking in front
  • Wind in my ear
  • Car horn front left
  • Leaves blowing on the ground in front
  • Trees blowing in the wind
  • Grass Ruffling when people walk by
  • Bikes coasting by
  • People brushing there hands off
  • Birds Chirping
  • Planes flying above
  • People talking
  • Water Fountain behind me
  • Sirens in a distance
Mostly all the sounds i could pick out but there was a distant humming that was probably just the sound of the city. the sounds in a distant were probably a mixture of mechanical sounds. Sounds that were inflicted by the wind that i heard were when the trees would blow and leaves would make noise, when the wind hit my ear, and when it blew leaves and debris across the sidewalk it made a light scraping noise. I was able to intervene the was some brick wall that i started tapping on and made a hollow sound whenever i tapped on it. I actually feel i do have a new understanding for sounds now when i'm siting in my room with my window open i just notice more sounds i find myself listing more when sitting or walking to class. I think this experience is going to help me realizer sounds more now than i would of before.

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