Sunday, November 9, 2008

Reading Response 2

The article that I have chosen to read is by Phillip Lopate and is title “On The Aesthetics of Urban Walking and Writing.” I chose this article to do my reading response on because it is a bout walking. I figured since we do a lot of walking on our sound walks this would be an interesting article.
The main points of this article is the art of walking and what goes on while we walk. Things such as what we notice while we walk, and how we observe things. It is also about writers and walking, and how people who write poems will maybe go on a walk and write about what they are observing while walking.
The ideas in this article have to do with the media arts in many ways. Such as when we go on our sound walks we go on “walks,” observing sounds and images while walking. While we are on these walks we are capturing these observations wether it being video, images, or sounds.

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